I got It!!!! Yes I did I got a new Ott lamp for Christmas....my DH got it for me and I love it. It is the floor model and it works wonderful. I didn't realize how mch I have been losing out on seeing until I switched this lamp on. What a huge difference it makes I can actually see black now...
In the evening I have been working on my new puzzle and have it pretty much together...boy this one is a harder one...
I finally finished my Christmas socs for next year...I am going to add some dots to the bottom and use them as slipper socks, maybe give them to my niece...I even added bells to the Pointsetta flower..
LOVE that lamp, Debb! My eyes would love one like that, I'm SURE! I should shop around for one, as I'm out and about!.. LOVE the slipper socks! ~tina