Contest 2 #1 : How did you get interested in felting? Did you learn it from someone, see a bag you liked? Just want to try something new? If you have a picture of your first project, please include it! Answer: Well I started to see them in the yarn shop and I was really intriged by them and then my Secret Pal sent me one for Christmas last year and that was it. I had to learn, so I got a pattern for an easy one and made it. But I couldn't get it to felt too good so I asked some of the ladies in my crochet group and got the tips and got it right. Now I love them and want to make more so that is why I joined this swap to get more practice and make more felted bags.
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm ...
As you grow older you will discover that you
have two hands.
One for helping yourself, the other for helping others. " Audrey Hepburn
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Good to see you posting your answers too :) Now I can say TAG, you've been tagged so you'll have to come stop